
Thursday, October 31, 2013

1st level analysis of intelligence!

Competitor Intelligence does not only happen in a click, yet several steps are needed to complete the process. In peeking towards the first steps, it is mostly more on pre-collection of data up to the process of description and forecasting of the framework itself. In brief, below are the points that are part of the first step in competitor intelligence:

- Pre-collection source selection / filtering: To identify the source that will be used for the information inputs
- Evaluation: To filter and evaluate the information that has been collected
- Indexing, filling and collation: To input the data and create the information in a structured manner to make it easier in interpreting those
- Synthesis / description: To simplify the information without cutting down the main message
- Forecasting / speculation: To forecast the upcoming competitor’s action

All these steps bring about the process before the final analysis, and considered to be the vital one as the base of the framework starts in this level. The upcoming process and action will be based on this one, and the success of it is also determined from this start.

For more details on Competitor Intelligence, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288 

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