
Thursday, November 7, 2013

North American countries are in trust with competitor intelligence!

Competitor Intelligence has become a trend in nowadays business world. Understanding the move of the competitors and at the same time the market helps in building a better plan and benchmark for the company itself. For instance, countries in North America have also adopted this strategy for the betterment of their companies. A survey has been conducted by Global Market Intelligence in the year 2011, that 70% of the companies in North America has started to follow competitor intelligence process as part of their strategy. More than that, several surveys are also being conducted as a result of competitor intelligence such as:

- 94% of the North American companies surveyed agree that they have benefited from competitive intelligence.

- 84% think that their competitive intelligence investments have paid off.

- 69% of companies intend to increase their investments into competitive intelligence over the next two years.

North American countries’ companies have given a written and surveyed proved that competitor intelligence is not only a short term process, but could actually show upon a great impact to the companies itself. In spite of the economic uncertainty happening in North America, companies dared to spend their budgets more on competitor intelligence process. However to reach to the best results on this, proper analysis needs to be done, if possible with the help of an expert or consultants.

For more details on Competitor Intelligence, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

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