
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Your Image is YOU!

As always been said, the creation of first image and last image is vital, not only for a stand-alone individual, but also for the individual that represents certain company. A case study and a research written by Susan M. Heathfield suggest on communication and appearance in working, where every part plays a very important role in communication point of view.

Studies reveal that most people make decisions about a new acquaintance within the first 30 seconds up to 2 minutes of interaction. Good impression needs to be made within this span of limited time. Dr. Albert Mehrabian at UCLA revealed that majority of our message is communicated non-verbally, whereas seven percent of the message is communicated by words. As per the study, four areas that have a huge impact on an individual’s image, especially professionally are:
- Appearance
- Interpersonal interaction
- Written interaction
- Networking

In short, you determine your own image and after that, let your image be you!

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