
Friday, November 1, 2013

A canvas of strategies!

Within the process of competitor intelligence analysis, strategy canvas is normally used as a part of the process. According to, strategy canvas is a diagnosing tool to show towards the company on the current competitive situations, just as equal as a planning tool to identify an innovation chance. In brief, strategy canvas is basically a tool being used for identifying more on the competitors also the market.

Speaking on the canvas strategy analysis, there are two main functions of conducting so. Firstly, it helps in summarizing on the market space and situations and secondly it allows the company to understand the competitor also the factors of the competition. More than these, strategy canvas also supports the company in finding out what makes the competitor’s product stand out more, together with SWOT tool as a support.

Conducting any analysis is not a simple task. The correct tools need to be used as to bring about the appropriate results for the analysis being done. Canvasing the plans and strategies need to be done carefully, understanding the competitors and their actions are vital, and all these create a diagnosis on the competitors and the market as a whole, providing support to the operational of the plan itself.

For more details on Strategy Canvas, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

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