
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Creation of canvas template…

Within the process of strategy canvas i.e. a diagnosis tool used by the company to find out more about their competitors and market, a template is usually used in order to have a structured one. Dimensions are available as part of its template, with its divisions of determining the dimensions up to determining the value of the dimensions itself.

Speaking on determining of dimensions on strategy canvas, it basically suggests on the right techniques being used in conducting strategy canvas. Several techniques include:
- The conduct of brainstorming with the salesperson in order to attain information and ideas as field people.
- Informal interview with loyal customers to attain insights on what they think is important.

More than those, the determination of value in each dimensions are also vital in this process. In here, there are several techniques that can be used to determine the value for each dimension:
- Suggest your own values as per your personal observation towards the competitors.
- Another alternative is by involving the salesman to provide inputs.
- Inputs from the customers can also help in enriching your analysis.

Within the template, several dimensions can be written in the “X” axis in regard towards how high or low its value is seen. As written previously, those dimensions can be generated by the techniques used in the process.

For more details on Strategy Canvas, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

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