
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What do they expect?

It is clear that as a company, it would not be easy to reach up on every expectation set by the public or consumers. Companies need to focus on their needs and at the same time, considering the high expectations of the customers itself. In general, no companies will want to work if the profits generated are not as their expectations. Yet on the other hand, customers demand different types of quality of the products and services given which of course will cause a dilemma in the end.

Each customer has their own satisfaction level and this cannot be made uniform. Theoretically, there are three steps of customer’s expectations and service delivery manner:
- Quality surprise: It is where the service given exceeds the expectations.
- Satisfactory quality: It is where the service given is equal to the expectations.   

- Unacceptable quality: It is where the service given is below the expectations.

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