
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Growth-Opportunity Matrix

To create a growth, finding the best opportunity is needed. Ansoff’s growth opportunity matrix is one of the strategies that can be used in product development. A marketing strategy, as seen, is important in creating a business value. Growth-Opportunity Matrix, according to, considers the offering existing and new products within existing and/ or new markets and the levels of risk associated with each. The matrix can be pictured as follows:

This matrix suggests four alternatives of marketing strategies:
- Market Penetration: involves selling added value products in the market, by the strategies of promotion or price reduction.
- Product development: involves developing new products and services and placing them into existing markets
- Market development: selling the existing products in the new market
- Diversifications: this is considered to be a risky strategy as in here; companies are taking risks in expanding towards another field of products and services, targeting new audience. The costs of new product developments can be high.

The main aim of any companies is mostly towards market growth. There are many ways of reaching that aim, and Growth-Opportunity Matrix is one of the Marketing strategies that can be adopted. The combination of new also existing products and markets are covered in this matrix, and thus can help in better decision making on product development itself. 

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