
Friday, October 18, 2013

Tools of process and product design development

The process of product designing does not occur by itself. Proper strategy accompanied by its tools is needed in order to complete the process. In new product development process, several strategies of in order steps are available from the start until the final process. It includes:

-> Idea generation – brainstorming of ideas
-> Idea screening – choosing on the best ideas
-> Concept development and testing – start building the idea concept and conduct a research upon its acceptance in the market
-> Marketing strategy development – creation of a the marketing strategy for the concept being made before
-> Business analysis – analyzing of business internally also externally on the acceptance of the market for the products
-> Product development – begin the creation of the product in physical
-> Test marketing – start promoting the physical product at some areas to see the acceptance in clear
-> Commercialization – to launch the product in access to all target markets

These eight steps are the basic and complete steps that are done in a new product development. Though these steps are proved in theoretical and practical point of view for its good results, yet a company using these steps should make sure on the proper strategy, research and development to be done in order to complete and bring about a new successful product development in the market.

For more details on Product Development, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

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