
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ford proves on Moment of Truth…

With the need of matching the “Moment of Truth” of companies with the needs and wants of the customers, many companies have started to conduct research in order to complete the match. Most of the world’s giant companies too have realized on the need of Moment of Truth, one of them is Ford Retail.

UK car dealership Ford Retail in the year 2010 recognized that a successful sale was linked with a happy customer. In the website, the article showed that according to Ford, it is not on how the product quality is given only, but the interaction and the moment of truth are also factors that can create high purchase. For them, improving the customer service and brand design can help in the creation of the Moment of Truth itself. Lastly, they believe that moment of truth has really created on the increase of customer service level in heights!

This case study itself proves that Moment of Truth is no more a stranger in the world of marketing and business. Knowing the moment of truth needs to be done in a focused way in order to bring better results in the end, and using the support of a consultant or expert can be ways to reach so.

For more details on Moment of Truth, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

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