
Showing posts with label Knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knowledge. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2014

Ser-qual… Care… How deep?

The difference of Ser-qual and Care are seen, yet how deep is the difference? Is this transformation really necessary? Understanding the customers, whether current or potential, is needed in this world full of competitions. No doubt, most of the markets are full of high competitions and companies need to find ways to survive and reach their goals.
Speaking about it in a detailed manner, Service Quality and Customer Care have its own definitions in the dimensions, yet the only thing that is similar is “Reliability”, as being reliable is important in case of business and trust building. However in getting deeper, reliability is more focused to build up credibility and this can be generated from good customer care and providing solutions.

Assurance in the quality of service is given to the customers by those companies who believe in service quality only. How about trust? Can the assurance of quality create trust and be user-friendly in the end more than just answering the customer’s queries?

Having good quality tangible products also is needed in a company besides providing a good quality service. But again, is it easily accessible? Understanding about consumer’s behavior and learning about them can help in finding the best place to locate the products and increase care for the customers by this process.

One most important key in customer care that is lack in Service Quality focus is empathy. Being empathy can change the quality of service by itself. 

For more details on Consumer Behavior, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Ser-qual atau Care?

Tingkatkan kualitas pelayanan atau berikan rasa peduli terhadap pelanggan? Hal ini dapat menjadi dilema pada saat perusahaan ingin meningkatkan standar pelayanan mereka. Bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk proses peningkatan pelayanan dalam suatu perusahaan karena perusahaan perlu mempersiapkan dana untuk pelatihan dan waktu yang perlu dikeluarkan untuk pelatihan itu sendiri. Tetapi apakah hal tersebut merugikan?

Jika dilihat dari segi keperluan, tentu saja memberikan yang terbaik kepada konsumen adalah salah satu prioritas di era seperti sekarang. Dengan adanya kompetisi yang sengit, menjadi yang terbaik adalah hal yang terpenting agar dapat mendapatkan tempat di pasar yang kompetitif. Di zaman seperti sekarang, tidak hanya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan saja yang diperlukan, tetapi pelatihan untuk bisa lebih empati dan peduli terhadap pelanggan juga diperlukan. Pelanggan senantiasa mencari pelayanan yang memuaskan mereka, dan pelayanan dengan rasa empati dan peduli yang digabung dengan kualitas baik akan menjadi pilihan mereka.

Sebenarnya dalam segi teoretis, perbedaan antara Kualitas Pelayanan dan Kepedulian tidak jauh. Dalam segi kualitas, hal yang diperhatikan adalah dimensi RATER, tetapi dalam kepedulian terdapat beberapa perubahan dalam dimensi seperti kredibilitas, proaktif, kepercayaan dan mudahnya akses dalam meningkatkan reliabilitas. Selain dari perbedaan dimensi, terdapat juga hal-hal seperti:

-Hubungan: Kualitas layanan memiliki hubungan vertikal sedangkan kepedulian horisontal.

-Orientasi: Kualitas layanan memiliki orientasi prosedur sedangkan kepedulian solusi.

-Persepsi: Kualitas layanan memiliki persepsi bahwa pelanggan adalah tamu sedangkan kepedulian memiliki persepsi bahwa pelanggan adalah sahabat.

-Tujuan: Kualitas layanan memiliki tujuan membuat pelanggan puas sedangkan kepedulian untuk membuat pelanggan antusias.

For more details on Consumer Behavior, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Steps of Inadequate to Delighted service

Service is one of the most important activities in a company. Whether current or potential customers, company’s goodwill evaluation depends on how good the service quality is. Seeing towards the three steps of customers’ expectations that include the results of being proactive, average or passive shows on how important it is in providing the best service towards the customers.

It is never easy to increase the service quality of the company to be given to the customers, as this will take up a lot of budget at some cases. Not only in the form of budget, proper skills are also needed as to satisfy this task. It is vital to measure where exactly the company’s performance is in the form of service as to have a better view and planning to make it better or at least, to hold it on well.

According to the journal “The Nature and Determinants of Customer Expectations of Service” written by Valarie A. Zeithaml, Leonard A. Berry and A. Parasuraman, there are five stages of service quality:

-Inadequate Service: This is the least recommended stage as this provides the service away from the customer’s expectations.

- Adequate Service: This stage provides the minimum service quality that is still acceptable for the customers, but not much.

-Zone of Tolerance: This stage indicates the acceptance of the customers on the service given by the company.

-Desired Service: This stage includes those companies who consider the need of good service quality that provides the actual way of service towards their customers. This increases goodwill of the company also its products.

-Delighted Service: This is the best step of service to be provided to the customers as this step does not only considerate the service quality, but also more towards caring and showing empathy towards them. In the process, the service delivered will show more than expected by the customers. If this step is used for long, loyalty of the customers can be gained.

For more details on Consumer Behavior, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

10 kecewa, jutaan hilang!

Di dalam buku “The Disney Way” yang dikarang oleh Bill Capodagli dan Lynn Jackson, dinarasikan bahwa masing-masing dari 27 konsumen yang tidak puas akan memberitahu 8 hingga 16 orang lain mengenai pengalamannya, dan diantaranya akan memberitahu lebih dari 20 pelanggan potensial lainnya. Jika dihitung secara konvensional, maka hanya dengan 3 keluhan saja, lebih dari 1000 calon pelanggan potensial akan kemungkinan hilang.

Hal ini membuktikan sebagaimana pentingnya sebuah kualitas produk juga pelayanan yang diberikan kepada konsumen. Hanya dengan kekuatan “Word of Mouth”, sebuah perusahaan bisa mendapatkan pelanggan yang loyal, ataupun sebaliknya. Selain itu, performa internal pun dapat menjadi “goyah” karena kurangnya motivasi dari hasil kerja keras mereka. Unacceptable Quality, kata yang menjadi bagian dari tahap ke-tiga dan terendah ekspektasi pelanggan dan penyampaian pelayanan.

Ketidakpuasan pelanggan bisa mengakibatkan hasil yang fatal bagi sebuah perusahaan. Nama baik dari produk dan perusahaan itu akan turun drastis jika “Word of Mouth” dari ketidakpuasan pelanggan menyebar. Apalagi dengan adanya media sosial, hal ini akan lebih sukar untuk dikontrol. Pelanggan di era ini sering memilih untuk berkicau di media sosial mereka dibandingkan berbicara langsung dengan perusahaannya, apalagi jika mendapatkan pelayanan yang kurang memuaskan sebelumnya. Hal yang perlu diingat adalah, kicauan ini yang ditulis dalam media sosial berbasis internet, akan membawa keluhan kicauan tersebut ke mata dunia!

For more details on Consumer Behavior and Social Media, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ser-Qual… Apakah cukup?

Ser-Qual atau kualitas pelayanan merupakan sebuah hal yang perlu diperhatikan secara mendetil dalam melayani pelanggan. Perusahaan kecil maupun besar perlu memberikan pelayanan dengan kualitas yang terbaik agar para pelanggan pun akan lebih puas dan kembali lagi kepada perusahaan tersebut. Namun, apakah memperhatikan hanya Service Quality itu cukup?

Dalam zaman pasar yang kompetitif seperti sekarang, ekspektasi pelanggan terhadap perusahaan, baik dalam hal produk maupun pelayanan sudah semakin meningkat. Dalam satu sisi, perusahaan senantiasa mendesain tujuan mereka agar dapat memenuhi ekspektasi pelanggan dan di sisi lain, mencapai tujuan utama perusahaan itu sendiri. Ekspektasi perusahaan dan pelanggan terkadang tidak sejalan, dan hal ini memicu salah satu dari kedua aspek tersebut untuk “dikalahkan” pada akhirnya. Setiap sisi pasti akan menginginkan yang terbaik, tetapi apakah memadai untuk dipenuhi?

Perusahaan secara umum mengatur strategi mereka dengan cara dimana mereka bisa mencapai tujuan mereka secara "profitable”, tetapi terkadang hal ini dapat menekan biaya yang sebenarnya dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk atau layanan yang diberikan. Lalu, apakah hanya memperhatikan konsep Ser-Qual itu sudah cukup dalam pasar kompetitif seperti saat ini?

For more details on Consumer Behavior, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

RATER Dimension…

Business people, especially those in the service sector, have always kept this question in mind, how to reach and fulfill customers’ expectations? As many believe, service quality is the most important thing to be focused on, and this is normally the answer to the question. Service quality according to can be defined as an assessment on how well a delivered service conforms to client expectations. More, service business operators often assess the service quality provided to their customers in order to improve their service, to quickly identify problems and to better assess client satisfaction.

Business people’s focus is truly on how to satisfy their customers, and in the continuation towards it, to satisfy the goal of the company itself. A dimension with the acronym of RATER is one dimension that can be used as a tool to reach the customer’s satisfaction. It includes Responsiveness, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy and the most important part, Reliability.

In its brief explanation, RATER Dimension can be narrated as follows:
- Reliability: The ability to provide a service in accordance to its promise accuracy.

- Assurance: The knowledge and mannerism that each employee has, especially in convincing and inspiring their customers.

-Tangible: Physical look, tools and materials that can be measured.

- Empathy: The ability of an individual in showing attention to the customers, towards their needs also wants.

- Responsiveness: The will to help their customers in providing a quick service.

For more details on Consumer Behavior, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Friday, December 27, 2013

Positioning the statement…
More than just Segmenting and Targeting, within the strategy plan of companies, Positioning of the products and services needs to be done well in the market place. Positioning can be defined as a process where companies put about a perception about the products or services being marketed under the customer’s minds. In general, there are several positioning statement elements that include target market, brand, frame of reference, points of differentiation and competitive edge.

Positioning is not a brand tagline, but it is more to what companies wants the customers to relate to when they hear or see the products or services. It helps in the creation of the competitive edge in the middle of a competitive market.

In applied selling, the combination of these three steps, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning needs to be done in order to reach the right audiences or customers and provide them with the right products or services that they need, which of course may bring positive output for the company.

For more details on Applied Selling, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Targeting the segment…

In Marketing and Applied Selling, segmentation and targeting are the two aspects that are focused in general. Both of these aspects play a vital role in the process of market research, especially in the connection of finding out about the customer itself.

In definition, segmentation can be defined as the process of dividing the market into smaller segments or parts in accordance to the customers’ similar characteristics and behavior, determining which segment the company should focus and provide service to. Segmentation is important to find out and manage for more focused human resources to be allocated to, as a base to determine strategies, tactics and value also as a key factor to compete with the competitors.

After segmentation is being conducted, the next step is to create a more focused one i.e. targeting. Targeting can be defined as the process of evaluating each market segment’s attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter. In this case, several parts that need to be focused on include market growth, market size, competitive advantage of the products or services and the competitive situation.

In a business mapping, segmentation and targeting are the two most focused parts at the beginning process before going more to the product or service’s positioning and strategy fitting. This is due to the need to find out who the customers are and whether the strategies being planned before can fit in the criteria. As to lead the customer credibly, proper knowledge and targeting needs to be done as to bring about a positive output in the end. 

For more details on Applied Selling, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Personality development… All are at your hands!

According to, appearance can be defined as the way someone looks. More than just soft skill, personal appearance is also needed as part of an individual’s communication skills and presentation point of view. Outer appearance is important as that will be the first thing that people will see, and bring upon the first impression about the individual and the company the individual is representing. Looks will reflect the profession a person is in, and sometimes determines the credibility of the person itself.

Friedrich Schiller, a German Poet, philosopher, historian and playwright had once quoted, “Appearance rules the world.” What you look and how you present yourself will bring about an impression on your credibility and respect towards self. People will narrate their impression through the way an individual welcomes them; shake their hands, voice volume, way of walking and more. Each and everything plays a very important role in this case. In general, there are 3 main aspects that are showed through appearance. Firstly is good impression from behavior, secondly is harmony of body and attire and lastly the colour combination used. All these will determine on how professional the individual is and whether he or she suits the role to be played. Cleanliness and tidiness of the body and attire also needs to be seen about as that too indirectly become a part of the process of impression making.

Grooming does not occur by itself, but proper understanding of the body self is needed as to suggest on the best grooming process to be used. Nowadays, there are many accessories and attires that are fashionable and suitable for both men and women, showing upon professionalism yet stylish at the same time.

Susan M. Heathfield had written a research on communication and appearance in working, determining “Image is You” in her writing. The study showed that the first 30 seconds up to 2 minutes of the meeting is the most crucial one for determining if the conversation and meeting can go on, as that is the span of limited time an individual will be seen for their impression. Non-verbal also plays more role rather than verbal conversation.

Nowadays, there are many consultants and experts that can help in supporting the need of professional grooming, as grooming is an art and proper understanding needs to be attained to get it right!

For more details on Personality Development, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Penampilan Menarik dan tips tampil professional

Penampilan menarik tidak hanya dipancarkan dari muka yang cantik dan menarik, model dan warna pakaian yang dipakai, sepatu yang mahal atau aksesoris yang stylish, tetapi ada beberapa hal yang menjadi pemicu yang lebih untuk dapat dinilai sebagai individu yang berpenampilan menarik. Seorang individu dapat dinilai menjadi seseorang dengan penampilan yang menarik juga dapat dinilai dari betapa tinggi kepercayaan diri dari individu tersebut, bagaimana individu tersebut dapat mengontrol diri dan bagaimana sikap tubuh individu tersebut saat menemui orang baru ataupun berkomunikasi dengan teman-temannya. Setiap titik menjadi bagian dari penilaian, karena persepsi tidak terbangun hanya dengan melihat impresi pertama, tetapi proses hingga impresi terakhir.

Maupun ketiga hal tersebut bisa menuah hasil yang lebih mendalam, penampilan inti masih sangat diperlukan untuk diperhatikan. Hal-hal seperti tata wajah, tata rias, pakaian, aksesoris juga menjadi bagian yang penting dalam perjalanan persepsi. Beberapa tips berikut dapat membantu dalam meningkatkan penampilan profesional:

- Aksesoris secukupnya
- Sepatu bersih dan mengkilap
- Penampilan yang terkoordinasi
- Grooming (Rambut, wajah, kuku)

For more details on Personality Development, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Aksesoris dan busana terbaik!
Aksesoris dan busana terbaik adalah dambaan setiap individu. Banyak yang menganggap bahwa hal ini hanya beraplikasi untuk para wanita, tetapi definisi dari aksesoris dan busana dalam hal ini adalah yang profesional. Pria juga menjadi bagian yang perlu memperhatikan hal ini, termasuk juga tata rambut. Wanita seperti umumnya juga perlu memperhatikan tata rambut dan tata rias yang terbaik dalam dunia profesional, dengan alasan impresi pertama dan terakhir tentunya.

Membicarakan mengenai tata rambut dan tata rias, beberapa hal yang perlu dipikirkan pada saat kedua proses tersebut adalah penyesuaian dengan bentuk wajah, profesi, warna pakaian, waktu dan acara.

Untuk para pria, beberapa busana inti yang perlu diperhatikan adalah:
- Celana bahan: Biru tua, hitam, abu-abu
- Kemeja: Putih, Abu-abu muda, biru muda dengan bahan polos, garis tipis atau kotak kecil.

Beberapa asesoris juga dapat menjadi pendukung para pria dalam dunia profesional:
- Sepatu: Kulit, hitam dan coklat tua
- Sabuk: desain simpel, hitam dan coklat tua
- Jam tangan: Kulit atau stainless steel, bukan digital
- Kaos kaki: Hitam, abu-abu (cocok dengan celana)

Wanita pun memiliki ciri khas nya sendiri dalam berbusana dan beraksesoris:
- Celana bahan/rok/terusan: Biru tua, hitam, abu-abu
- Blus/Kamisol: Putih atau semua warna dengan bahan yang tidak mengkilap.
- Sepatu: Hitam, coklat tua, krem
- Perhiasan: giwang, kalung, mutiara, berlian, cincin, gelang, emas, perak, bros, corsage, scarf

- Tas: hitam, coklat tua, krem

Pilihan penampilan perlu dilakukan dengan seksama, khususnya dalam dunia pekerjaan, karena diri seseorang akan tercerminkan dari cara berbusana dan aksesoris yang digunakan, hingga tata rambut dan tata riasnya. 

For more details on Personality Development, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Duduk dan berdirilah dengan baik!

Penampilan adalah segalanya, termasuk juga dari sikap tubuh yang baik. Profesionalitas dari seorang individu tidak hanya dilihat dari pakaian yang digunakan, tetapi juga sikap tubuh yang dipaparkan pada saat bertemu seseorang, khususnya konsumen atau prospek yang baru.

Sikap tubuh yang baik meliputi beberapa hal, seperti cara berjabat tangan, senyuman, cara menerima tamu, cara duduk, cara makan dan seterusnya. Lalu apa pentingnya dalam dunia profesional?

Dalam dunia profesional khususnya, sikap tubuh yang baik akan mencerminkan individu yang:
- Tampak lebih anggun
- Tampak lebih proposional
- Tampak lebih muda dan segar
- Menunjang kesehatan tubuh

- Lebih berwibawa dan percara diri

For more details on Personality Development, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Three aspects of appearance…   
Christopher Lasch, an American historian, moralist and social-critic has once quoted, “Nothing Succeeds like the Appearance of Success.” Appearance has many times proven have brought success to those who follow it well. Starting from grooming, up to the way of walking and talking, all these aspects needs to be combined and learned well.

In general, there are three main aspects that are showed through appearance. Firstly is good impression, secondly is the harmony of body and attire used and lastly is the colour combination that suits the looks also appearance. All these will determine on how professional the individual is and whether he or she suits the role to be played.

Nowadays, different and bright colour combinations are used, even for work purposes. Fashion has changed the point of view of people of which common colours is only to be used at workplace. Yet the users of the attire also needs to understand well the best colours to be mix and matched, and not just taking in randomly to avoid a bad impression on their personal and company’s image. A harmony with the body should also be there, whether for size, colour or model as to boost up more confidence. As it is always known, confidence changes everything!

For more details on Personality Development, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Citra dan Kesan Pertama!

Penampilan dapat membuat citra dan kesan tersendiri bagi setiap individu. Penampilan dapat menjadi sarana komunikasi, cermin citra diri hingga cermin dari citra organisasi itu sendiri. Melebihi dari penampilan dalam bentuk busana, terdapat beberapa hal yang menjadi penilaian dari citra dan kesan pertama. Kesan pertama secara keseluruhan dinilai dari penampilan busana, ekspresi wajah dan senyuman, cara berjabat tangan, cara berbicara (kata yang dipakai) hingga volume suara.

Penilaian bahwa individu tersebut percaya diri terhadap dirinya dan dengan apa yang dipakainya akan terlihat dari cara berjalan dan mimik wajahnya. Melihat seorang individu yang percaya diri dengan apa yang akan ditawarkannya akan terlihat dari cara berjabat tangan dan sapaan pada pertama kalinya, termasuk volume suara. Terkadang, tanpa sadar pun, penilaian terhadap individual itu pun sudah dilakukan, hanya dengan melihat beberapa aspek yang jelas dari luar.

Untuk menjadi seorang individu yang percaya diri dan memberi kesan pertama yang baik, pelatihan yang rutin perlu dilakukan. Dengan menyadari setiap hal yang dilakukan dan berusaha untuk mengubahnya akan membuat hal tersebut menjadi terbiasa pada akhirnya. Dalam sebuah perusahaan, standar berkomunikasi, termasuk dari segi penampilan perlu ditetapkan dan pelatihan perlu diberikan kepada para staff agar terjadi keseragaman standar. Konsultan dalam bidang grooming ataupun customer service bisa menjadi pilihan dalam membantu menetapkan standar penampilan dalam perusahaan Anda.

For more details on Personality Development, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Appearance reflects you in…

Appearance reflects an individual’s personality and job position, whether directly or indirectly. Friedrich Schiller, a German poet, philosopher, historian and playwright had once quoted, “Appearance rules the world.” What you look, how you present yourself will bring about an impression on your credibility and respect towards self.

In general, there are 3 reflections that appearance can show upon. Firstly, reflections can be a means of communication; secondly, it can reflect on their own self-image; and lastly, appearance can show upon the image of the organization the individual is representing. All these create upon the connection and impression of the individual, as appearance can create a communication indirectly on who the person is, what their passion is and more to it, how are they able to handle and protect the image of the company or organization they are in.

Many individuals take up appearance as granted as they feel inner beauty comes first. The fact is, people will come nearer and decides to communicate basically by seeing the outer appearance first before knowing more on the inner beauty.

For more details on Personality Development, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Penampilan profesional setiap saat!

Penampilan luar sangatlah penting, karena hal tersebut yang akan pertama kali dilihat dan memberikan impresi terhadap orang lain. Banyak yang mengatakan bahwa impresi pertama penting karena impresi kedua tidak akan pernah ada sebelum impresi terakhir dibangun.

Dalam dunia profesional, penampilan luar harus selalu diperhatikan, khususnya untuk para gatekeeper yang menjadi jembatan penemu orang luar dengan perusahaan. Prospek sebuah perusahaan akan menilai perusahaan tersebut melalui impresinya dengan front liners, khususnya dari penampilan mereka saat penerimaan para tamu dan prospek. Selain untuk keuntungan prospek, memiliki penampilan profesional setiap saat akan menambah kepercayaan diri dari dalam diri sendiri, dan proses bekerja pun akan lebih baik karena kepercayaan diri itu.

Setiap pekerjaan memiliki etika dan cara penampilan yang berbeda-beda. Untuk seorang model, penampilan yang cantik adalah tuntutannya; untuk para pekerja kantor, penampilan yang formal adalah tuntutan utamanya dan seterusnya. Penampilan akan menggambarkan pekerjaan dan jabatan dari individual tersebut.

Khususnya jika dilihat dari impresi pertama, 10 detik pertama adalah yang paling krusial. Seseorang akan mengambil keputusan untuk bekerja sama dengan individual tersebut jika orang tersebut merasa bahwa individual tersebut layak, dan kelayakan itu dinilai pertama dari penampilan profesional tersebut.

For more details on Personality Development, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Your appearance…

According to online dictionary, appearance can be defined as the way that someone or something looks. A more than just soft skill, personal appearance is also needed as part of an individual’s communication skills and complete presentation point of view. First impression of an individual is counted from the personal appearance, on how that individual present himself in front of the public, whether professionally or in a casual manner. The appearance from top to bottom is counted in this case.

People judge the book by its cover, and this shows how vital personal appearance is. As the front liner of a company, people will judge how good a company is from your appearance. Not only for companies, this concept is also applicable for institutions and even families in general. An identity of a person together with the institution he is attached with comes from the personal appearance itself. Grooming is needed at all times.

For more details on Personality Development, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Moment of truth on customer’s impressions!     
In the context of Consumer Behavior, Moment of Truth is one of the most important aspects to be focused on. It can be simply defined as an instance where customers and companies get into contact with one another and give the opportunity to change an impression towards the firm. Basically, this is done in order to bring about mutual understanding between one another, where research plays the most important role. In this process, blueprint of moment of truth needs to be set as to have a planned way to conduct, especially if it is connected to service. Service does not only apply for external, but internal too must be given for satisfaction purposes.

Moment of truth can only be effective by reaching the customer’s touch point. Customer’s touch point is basically the moment where customers create the perception on the service that firms provide. Yet, this perception can be the key for the firms as they can improve their service factors by those feedbacks. Even the internal staffs can be more motivated as they can be provided with the right skills to serve and attain better results. Customers do not set their perception about the company only by its first impression, but up to the last impressions and its middle process of experience. It is believed that communication, contact and experience received will determine the goodwill of the company in front of the customer’s eyes.

Within all these processes, human five senses plays the most vital role, as these senses will feel the experience of what the company possess. Perceptions are built from this and that is why each and every part needs to be as per expectations as to receive positive moment of truth. Last impression is the first impression, as many have said. Last impression of the customer needs to be made just like how the first impression is created. Service needs to be consistent at all times as to provide the same feeling until the end, giving a positive feedback hereby.

The continuation of a relationship is determined on how satisfied the customer is. However, to bring the lost customers can also be done by matching the needs, satisfaction and reach the Moment of Truth. Impression is everything, and building a good impression needs proper research and plan beforehand. Just as the case study of a giant company, Ford Retail, has proved on the need of Moment of Truth. They believed after conducting deep research that a happy customer does not only see on the product quality, but more on the service given. The Interaction that touches the customer’s hot button also has brought their success into heights!

Moment of Truth is no more a stranger in the business world. Yet, conducting this process needs to be done in a careful and detailed manner. Asking the support of business consultants or experts practitioners can be one way to help.

For more details on Moment of Truth, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ford proves on Moment of Truth…

With the need of matching the “Moment of Truth” of companies with the needs and wants of the customers, many companies have started to conduct research in order to complete the match. Most of the world’s giant companies too have realized on the need of Moment of Truth, one of them is Ford Retail.

UK car dealership Ford Retail in the year 2010 recognized that a successful sale was linked with a happy customer. In the website, the article showed that according to Ford, it is not on how the product quality is given only, but the interaction and the moment of truth are also factors that can create high purchase. For them, improving the customer service and brand design can help in the creation of the Moment of Truth itself. Lastly, they believe that moment of truth has really created on the increase of customer service level in heights!

This case study itself proves that Moment of Truth is no more a stranger in the world of marketing and business. Knowing the moment of truth needs to be done in a focused way in order to bring better results in the end, and using the support of a consultant or expert can be ways to reach so.

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