
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Moment of truth on customer’s impressions!     
In the context of Consumer Behavior, Moment of Truth is one of the most important aspects to be focused on. It can be simply defined as an instance where customers and companies get into contact with one another and give the opportunity to change an impression towards the firm. Basically, this is done in order to bring about mutual understanding between one another, where research plays the most important role. In this process, blueprint of moment of truth needs to be set as to have a planned way to conduct, especially if it is connected to service. Service does not only apply for external, but internal too must be given for satisfaction purposes.

Moment of truth can only be effective by reaching the customer’s touch point. Customer’s touch point is basically the moment where customers create the perception on the service that firms provide. Yet, this perception can be the key for the firms as they can improve their service factors by those feedbacks. Even the internal staffs can be more motivated as they can be provided with the right skills to serve and attain better results. Customers do not set their perception about the company only by its first impression, but up to the last impressions and its middle process of experience. It is believed that communication, contact and experience received will determine the goodwill of the company in front of the customer’s eyes.

Within all these processes, human five senses plays the most vital role, as these senses will feel the experience of what the company possess. Perceptions are built from this and that is why each and every part needs to be as per expectations as to receive positive moment of truth. Last impression is the first impression, as many have said. Last impression of the customer needs to be made just like how the first impression is created. Service needs to be consistent at all times as to provide the same feeling until the end, giving a positive feedback hereby.

The continuation of a relationship is determined on how satisfied the customer is. However, to bring the lost customers can also be done by matching the needs, satisfaction and reach the Moment of Truth. Impression is everything, and building a good impression needs proper research and plan beforehand. Just as the case study of a giant company, Ford Retail, has proved on the need of Moment of Truth. They believed after conducting deep research that a happy customer does not only see on the product quality, but more on the service given. The Interaction that touches the customer’s hot button also has brought their success into heights!

Moment of Truth is no more a stranger in the business world. Yet, conducting this process needs to be done in a careful and detailed manner. Asking the support of business consultants or experts practitioners can be one way to help.

For more details on Moment of Truth, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

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