
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The last of your impression…

More than just the first impression, people will still judge us as individuals or companies until they feel the creation of last impression can be made. People do not set their mind about something only by first impression, but also until the last impression made by that individual or company.

An impressive last impression needs to be made, as these impressions will normally be the conclusion of what individuals think about another individual or even towards the company as a whole. These impressions are believed to be the decider on the continuation of the relationship with each other up to the image building whether positive or negative for that individual or company.

Several points that may be a part as last impressions include simple acts like words spoken, behavior and body language done by the individual or the gatekeeper of the company at the moment of closing. The closing as written before will be determined for its continuation based on how the third party or the second one is impressed with the service and comfort being given. As many have said, last impression is the first impression!

For more details on Last Impression Building, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

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