
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Three aspects of appearance…   
Christopher Lasch, an American historian, moralist and social-critic has once quoted, “Nothing Succeeds like the Appearance of Success.” Appearance has many times proven have brought success to those who follow it well. Starting from grooming, up to the way of walking and talking, all these aspects needs to be combined and learned well.

In general, there are three main aspects that are showed through appearance. Firstly is good impression, secondly is the harmony of body and attire used and lastly is the colour combination that suits the looks also appearance. All these will determine on how professional the individual is and whether he or she suits the role to be played.

Nowadays, different and bright colour combinations are used, even for work purposes. Fashion has changed the point of view of people of which common colours is only to be used at workplace. Yet the users of the attire also needs to understand well the best colours to be mix and matched, and not just taking in randomly to avoid a bad impression on their personal and company’s image. A harmony with the body should also be there, whether for size, colour or model as to boost up more confidence. As it is always known, confidence changes everything!

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