
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Appearance reflects you in…

Appearance reflects an individual’s personality and job position, whether directly or indirectly. Friedrich Schiller, a German poet, philosopher, historian and playwright had once quoted, “Appearance rules the world.” What you look, how you present yourself will bring about an impression on your credibility and respect towards self.

In general, there are 3 reflections that appearance can show upon. Firstly, reflections can be a means of communication; secondly, it can reflect on their own self-image; and lastly, appearance can show upon the image of the organization the individual is representing. All these create upon the connection and impression of the individual, as appearance can create a communication indirectly on who the person is, what their passion is and more to it, how are they able to handle and protect the image of the company or organization they are in.

Many individuals take up appearance as granted as they feel inner beauty comes first. The fact is, people will come nearer and decides to communicate basically by seeing the outer appearance first before knowing more on the inner beauty.

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