
Friday, January 10, 2014

Creating caring culture!

Caring culture is more than just providing the best quality service to the customers, but it provides service with empathy and care. Service quality according to can be defined as an assessment on how well a delivered service conforms to client expectations. More, service business operators often assess the service quality provided to their customers in order to improve their service, to quickly identify problems and to better assess client satisfaction.

In such competitions, RATERdimensions may not be the only choice, but beyond. Strategies need to be managed well as to avoid high expenditures, but customers are satisfied with the service given. There are 3 stages of customer’s expectation which includes quality surprise, satisfactory quality and unacceptable quality. Companies have to find ways to move themselves from the stages of inadequate service towards delighted, and this needs a lot of efforts. With the differences of ser-qual and customer care and by seeing its understanding in detail, it is always recommended to increase the quality of service more towards customer care to provide the fullness in the service delivery.

Banking industries too takes customer care as their priority, as in those industries, customers judge the reliability through the service itself. However in the era like today, most industry needs to focus on providing the best service, or else the chances for survival in the tough market competition will be less.

For more details on Consumer Behavior, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Customer’s perception on commercial banks, a case study!

As most realize, the most important area where customer service plays a huge role is at banking areas. Banking sells their name and gain customer’s trusts only through customer service. In most banks, empathy is shown more, and that has become one aspect of their marketing activities.
In one of the case studies research written by Santhi Appannan, Barathy Doraisamy and Teoh Xin Hui from AIMST University, Malaysia, it is proved that commercial banks need to prove their empathy and customer care standards in order to satisfy their customers. In this case study, the banks that are research upon are Public Bank in Malaysia, CIMB and Maybank. The main objective of this study is to identify customer’s perception on the service quality dimensions in commercial banks in Butterworth, Penang. The results show that the most important service quality practice on customer’s overall satisfaction is responsiveness as it is perceived as a dominant service quality. The results also reveal that the service quality such as attentive, flexibility, communication, friendliness and responsiveness are positively and significantly influencing the customer’s perception.  This finding reinforces the need to start improving service quality of banks in order to attract more customers in future. (Abstract is taken from

This case study clearly proves that as of the dominant service quality with more coming towards the dimension of customer care can bring about satisfaction to their customers. Nothing can work without service, especially in financial or banking industries. 

For more details on Consumer Behavior, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Kembangkan Budaya Service Anda!

Service atau pelayanan merupakan hal terpenting dalam dunia usaha. Pelanggan akan senang dengan suatu perusahaan dan produk yang ditawarkan jika pelayanannya memuaskan. Budaya dari pelayanan tidak dapat muncul dengan sendirinya, tetapi ada beberapa tahapan formal yang dapat diaplikasikan seperti melakukan riset terlebih dahulu mengenai pelanggan yang sudah ada atau target, lalu memperkuat riset tersebut dengan budaya perusahaan, menghargai keinginan para pelanggan dan perusahaan, mengkomunikasikannya secara baik dan membantu para pelanggan secara empatis.

Hal yang terlihat sederhana seperti ini tidak mudah pada saat pengaplikasian. Mengubah budaya dari suatu perusahaan dan mempersuasi para pelanggan dengan memberikan service memerlukan waktu dan perencanaan yang baik agar berjalan dengan lancar. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan bantuan para praktisi atau konsultan yang bergerak di bidang terkait.

For more details on Consumer Behavior, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Ser-qual… Care… How deep?

The difference of Ser-qual and Care are seen, yet how deep is the difference? Is this transformation really necessary? Understanding the customers, whether current or potential, is needed in this world full of competitions. No doubt, most of the markets are full of high competitions and companies need to find ways to survive and reach their goals.
Speaking about it in a detailed manner, Service Quality and Customer Care have its own definitions in the dimensions, yet the only thing that is similar is “Reliability”, as being reliable is important in case of business and trust building. However in getting deeper, reliability is more focused to build up credibility and this can be generated from good customer care and providing solutions.

Assurance in the quality of service is given to the customers by those companies who believe in service quality only. How about trust? Can the assurance of quality create trust and be user-friendly in the end more than just answering the customer’s queries?

Having good quality tangible products also is needed in a company besides providing a good quality service. But again, is it easily accessible? Understanding about consumer’s behavior and learning about them can help in finding the best place to locate the products and increase care for the customers by this process.

One most important key in customer care that is lack in Service Quality focus is empathy. Being empathy can change the quality of service by itself. 

For more details on Consumer Behavior, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Ser-qual atau Care?

Tingkatkan kualitas pelayanan atau berikan rasa peduli terhadap pelanggan? Hal ini dapat menjadi dilema pada saat perusahaan ingin meningkatkan standar pelayanan mereka. Bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk proses peningkatan pelayanan dalam suatu perusahaan karena perusahaan perlu mempersiapkan dana untuk pelatihan dan waktu yang perlu dikeluarkan untuk pelatihan itu sendiri. Tetapi apakah hal tersebut merugikan?

Jika dilihat dari segi keperluan, tentu saja memberikan yang terbaik kepada konsumen adalah salah satu prioritas di era seperti sekarang. Dengan adanya kompetisi yang sengit, menjadi yang terbaik adalah hal yang terpenting agar dapat mendapatkan tempat di pasar yang kompetitif. Di zaman seperti sekarang, tidak hanya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan saja yang diperlukan, tetapi pelatihan untuk bisa lebih empati dan peduli terhadap pelanggan juga diperlukan. Pelanggan senantiasa mencari pelayanan yang memuaskan mereka, dan pelayanan dengan rasa empati dan peduli yang digabung dengan kualitas baik akan menjadi pilihan mereka.

Sebenarnya dalam segi teoretis, perbedaan antara Kualitas Pelayanan dan Kepedulian tidak jauh. Dalam segi kualitas, hal yang diperhatikan adalah dimensi RATER, tetapi dalam kepedulian terdapat beberapa perubahan dalam dimensi seperti kredibilitas, proaktif, kepercayaan dan mudahnya akses dalam meningkatkan reliabilitas. Selain dari perbedaan dimensi, terdapat juga hal-hal seperti:

-Hubungan: Kualitas layanan memiliki hubungan vertikal sedangkan kepedulian horisontal.

-Orientasi: Kualitas layanan memiliki orientasi prosedur sedangkan kepedulian solusi.

-Persepsi: Kualitas layanan memiliki persepsi bahwa pelanggan adalah tamu sedangkan kepedulian memiliki persepsi bahwa pelanggan adalah sahabat.

-Tujuan: Kualitas layanan memiliki tujuan membuat pelanggan puas sedangkan kepedulian untuk membuat pelanggan antusias.

For more details on Consumer Behavior, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Steps of Inadequate to Delighted service

Service is one of the most important activities in a company. Whether current or potential customers, company’s goodwill evaluation depends on how good the service quality is. Seeing towards the three steps of customers’ expectations that include the results of being proactive, average or passive shows on how important it is in providing the best service towards the customers.

It is never easy to increase the service quality of the company to be given to the customers, as this will take up a lot of budget at some cases. Not only in the form of budget, proper skills are also needed as to satisfy this task. It is vital to measure where exactly the company’s performance is in the form of service as to have a better view and planning to make it better or at least, to hold it on well.

According to the journal “The Nature and Determinants of Customer Expectations of Service” written by Valarie A. Zeithaml, Leonard A. Berry and A. Parasuraman, there are five stages of service quality:

-Inadequate Service: This is the least recommended stage as this provides the service away from the customer’s expectations.

- Adequate Service: This stage provides the minimum service quality that is still acceptable for the customers, but not much.

-Zone of Tolerance: This stage indicates the acceptance of the customers on the service given by the company.

-Desired Service: This stage includes those companies who consider the need of good service quality that provides the actual way of service towards their customers. This increases goodwill of the company also its products.

-Delighted Service: This is the best step of service to be provided to the customers as this step does not only considerate the service quality, but also more towards caring and showing empathy towards them. In the process, the service delivered will show more than expected by the customers. If this step is used for long, loyalty of the customers can be gained.

For more details on Consumer Behavior, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

10 kecewa, jutaan hilang!

Di dalam buku “The Disney Way” yang dikarang oleh Bill Capodagli dan Lynn Jackson, dinarasikan bahwa masing-masing dari 27 konsumen yang tidak puas akan memberitahu 8 hingga 16 orang lain mengenai pengalamannya, dan diantaranya akan memberitahu lebih dari 20 pelanggan potensial lainnya. Jika dihitung secara konvensional, maka hanya dengan 3 keluhan saja, lebih dari 1000 calon pelanggan potensial akan kemungkinan hilang.

Hal ini membuktikan sebagaimana pentingnya sebuah kualitas produk juga pelayanan yang diberikan kepada konsumen. Hanya dengan kekuatan “Word of Mouth”, sebuah perusahaan bisa mendapatkan pelanggan yang loyal, ataupun sebaliknya. Selain itu, performa internal pun dapat menjadi “goyah” karena kurangnya motivasi dari hasil kerja keras mereka. Unacceptable Quality, kata yang menjadi bagian dari tahap ke-tiga dan terendah ekspektasi pelanggan dan penyampaian pelayanan.

Ketidakpuasan pelanggan bisa mengakibatkan hasil yang fatal bagi sebuah perusahaan. Nama baik dari produk dan perusahaan itu akan turun drastis jika “Word of Mouth” dari ketidakpuasan pelanggan menyebar. Apalagi dengan adanya media sosial, hal ini akan lebih sukar untuk dikontrol. Pelanggan di era ini sering memilih untuk berkicau di media sosial mereka dibandingkan berbicara langsung dengan perusahaannya, apalagi jika mendapatkan pelayanan yang kurang memuaskan sebelumnya. Hal yang perlu diingat adalah, kicauan ini yang ditulis dalam media sosial berbasis internet, akan membawa keluhan kicauan tersebut ke mata dunia!

For more details on Consumer Behavior and Social Media, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288