
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Product development... Do it, Watch it!

Looking at the definition ofproduct development, it is basically the creation of products with new or different characteristics that offer new or additional benefits to the customer. It involves product modification, or formulation of totally new products that satisfies the defined consumer market. Most of the companies conduct product development with a hope that it could create an excitement in the market and expect more income towards it. Yet, it is not always the case. Proper plan and test market are some of the essential tasks that needs to be done in the process of product development, and the most important part, this process should not be done “blindly”, but having a strong base to support it.

In product development process, there are two types of strategy that can be done. It includes reactive and proactive strategies. In reactive strategy, it explains more on the process where the company defense, imitates, having a trust that “second is better” and lastly responsive to the market needs. On the other hand, proactive explains more on the process where companies conduct research and development, marketing, having the feeling of entrepreneurship up to acquisition with other companies having the same field. Most people may suggest more in taking up proactive strategy as to conduct product development, but this decision could not be taken by personal views. Several factors such as the chances of growth, innovation protection, market scale, level of competition and position of distribution system should be taken into consideration, as these can bring about huge impacts in decision making process.

Most companies believe that once plans are being set, everything will go on well. Yet, the decision makes and executers of product development should have the understanding that not all plans can work as expected. Plans that are set before can show up different results during the execution process, as of the circumstances that may occur on the field. Being too much focused to the plan may not be a good idea, as if something wrong occurs, findings of solutions would not be easy. Being flexible with the circumstances faced could be the best choice as to bring a calm decision making process in time of need.

In theory, there are eight steps for product development. It includes the process of idea generation, idea screening, concept development and testing, marketing strategy development, business analysis product development, test marketing and commercialization. Though these eight steps have proved great results in product development for some companies, the planners should still make sure on proper strategies also executions to make this theory successful in practical. SMART strategy can also be used as the support to the process.

Ansoff’s Growth-opportunity matrix is one of the strategies that are introduced in the process of product development also. This matrix aids the company to know more on the opportunity and risks that the company may be facing, especially in knowing if growth is possible. Other than this matrix, the product life cycle curve can also help in knowing the position of the product in the market and suggest on if the product needs to be renewed or no. Just like Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch, it proves on how Samsung has taken the opportunity to grab the market with their innovations and compete best with their head-to-head competitors.

“People buy products if they’re better.” A quote by James Dyson, a British inventor and founder of Dyson companies suggest that how you create the product is most important. So, the decision is yours!

For more details on Product Development, please contact:
+62 21 8378 3288

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